‘Why I cancelled my wedding at the eleventh hour’- Rita Dominic finally opens up

Nollywood actress, Rita Dominic

Nollywood actress, Rita Dominic has shed light on why she remains single despite her biological cloth ticking away.

Unbeknownst to most of us, the delectable actress was actually walking down the aisle with her heartthrob (his identity is unknown) but canceled the wedding at the eleventh hour when she 'saw some signs.'

'I almost married someone. We were there. We were at the point. It didn't work out and I'm happy it didn't work out because I saw the signs', she sadly revealed in a recent interview.

'You know how you see the signs and you just ignore it hoping the person will change. Look, a grown man and a grown woman cannot change. They can find a way to live with each other and respect each other's feelings but to change a grown person is difficult,' she added.


Source: Gabs

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